02 January 2014

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 2014 Already?

Just a brief note from my insane world....
Going to be back to blogging. I hope.
Just a warning.
And a reminder to self.
Lots to do this year as always.
More thoughtful thoughts later.

08 November 2012

Wow... it's still here...

So, this week has been rather a "Debbie Downer" kind of week...
So, being Thursday, it's starting to feel a bit better...
Why? Because I realized my blog spot is still here! YAY!
OMGoodness... I think I might find myself doing this again.
Life in hell the next four years... has to have something to laugh at... perhaps the idiots who called people like me paranoid? Who knows... hell, this might not last when freedom of speech goes byebye.

Later :) I will be back now I figured out how to get back to this page!

One wonderful thought for the coming weekend....
Basketball season starts this weekend!

17 September 2009


Calling someone a liar is now equal to racism? If I remember correctly, the majority of people who voted (Legally or otherwise) voted in a 1/2 black and 1/2 white guy last November. Maybe I missed something?

What Joe Wilson said was truth. I'm going to contribute to his reelection campaign. I think if you support him, you should too! I mean if my own congressman can take money from groups in CA or WA, why can't the SC rep who spoke up in Congress, get my money?

Maybe we need a little less "protocol" and butt-kissing in our government? It's actually quite VERY amusing to watch British parliament hoot and holler and boo on their floor.

Get off the PC bandwagon and let this go. Whatever color the president, isn't it BHOs party who said dissent is PATRIOTIC? Now it's not? HYPOCRITES!!! EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!

10 August 2009

Interesting reading...

Mis-information? Send a link for BOs own site and claim to be informed. ACK!
Found this while searching just what SEIU was. http://www.webcommentary.com/php/ShowArticle.php?id=gaynorm&date=090810 Interesting read.
Another bit... http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/zieve/090806
I've found so many things lately to read. I don't think I can go back to work with all the information out there LOL
I'm thinking I must be crazy not liking BO and willing to sacrafice my children's future earnings to make him "popular" and everyone to like him. ACKKKKKKKKKKKKK!

29 June 2009

Quote for Today

"Always do the things you fear the most. Courage is an acquired taste, like caviar."– Erica Jong

28 June 2009

A Novel Concept for the President to Ponder

From Minnesota's governor... if we're out of money, QUIT SPENDING!
Folks... if WE can't spend beyond the credit limit on our credit card without trouble, why should our country do it? Oh, I know... the famous adage of our parents, that many of us still follow... DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO. Isn't Washington always doing that for us? HYPOCRITES!


I had to go search this on the CNN page. I was reading their website since it's DHs homepage... I prefer FOX, surprise! Anyways... it disappeared off the front page after the laptop gave me trouble. Nice way to cover things up, eh CNN? Freedom of press? Freedom from truth is more like it!

Thanks MJ

Well, this country is screwed up. What on earth is the news thinking in going 24 hours of MJ? Did Korea's boat that is being shadowed by the USS John McCain, disappear or go home? Did the Iranian government give up and let the rallies continue? Or say President Tom lost?

Michael Jackson is an icon from my childhood. I understand he died. I understand our press is INCREDIBLY STUPID and did nothing but let the TV show the king of strangeness videos and comments ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT.

Oh, and the most important thing that went away from the news thanks to MJ is this... HR 2454 was pushed under the rug by the federal press, I mean, the free media. Talk about great timing for Obama and his House soldiers! OMG! How great! MJ dies and they get a free ride on the cap and tax program. Pelosi continues to be a liar! What did she do? She has said the people will get 24 hours to read bills before voting. LIE! At 309am Friday morning, a 300-page amendment was added to HR 2454. Fortunately, Boehner got up and read it all into the House record. If not for him, many people might have missed it. SAD! Less than 24 hours later, around 8pm eastern, there was a vote. 8 Republicans voted for the bill and it narrowly passed. (218 needed, I believe they got 219) People have to wake up! THe media is the lap dog for Obama.

Now, the work is still not done! The Senate next takes this up sometime. I will have to see if the bill has been scheduled or not. No matter a date, start now. Start calling and telling your Senator NO on the cap and tax bill. This is insane. If the Senate comes through for the King and his lady of the House, we will no longer need state or local governments for building codes. We'll be all living with the standards set in California for building... add 30% to your housing cost in addition to the fuel/energy costs. Federal gas tax would go up. Companies will have to retrofit for the new emission standards. Who do you think will pay this insanity? ME! YOU! YOUR KIDS!

America as many of us remember, or have been told, is coming to an end, but can be changed still. Call your Senators! Write your Senators. Break the phone system like I helped do on Friday calling the House switchboard to say NO. David comes in our room Saturday morning to say I'd made the national news. "You and all those calls about the tax bill crashed the switchboard." And look at the bums... it still made no difference that people called.

So Obama and his court of fools can thank Michael for his untimely, timely death on Thursday. MJs demise was great news to the liberal crowd in control of our country. May MJ rest in peace. May the country survive the next 3.5 years without being under communist rule.